Founded in 2019 by Rob Sanders, Riddestone Dew truly is a Devon family run business.
The farm at Riddestone, Near Winkleigh, has belonged to the family for generations and Rob grew up here as part of a close-knit farming community.
Prior to the setting up of Riddestone Dew, Rob enjoyed a successful career as a mill manager at a local animal feed company. Never far from Rob’s mind though was investigating the spring beneath the 300 year old oak tree on Riddestone’s land. In 2018, Rob took the plunge, left his job, and set about working out how best to collect the water from the spring. After many tests and consultations with the local authority, Rob invested in a new insulated building and bottling equipment and Riddestone Dew was born.
Riddestone Dew Spring Water is filtered by nature through bedrock and sandstone.
The spring is active all year round, providing an abundance of fresh, pure water ready to be bottled, by hand, at source. Unlike many brands of bottled water, Riddestone Dew is not extracted from the ground by way of bore holes or machinery and does not have to undergo any cleansing processes.